女 / 博士研究生 / 助理研究员电子邮件:Fang198789@xab.ac.cn
1.新型仿生咔啉类化合物的抗菌活性、构效关系及作用机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目(31872008),2019.01‒2022.12,59万元。(已结题,参与) 2.基于天然先导化合物的新型仿生酞嗪类农用抗菌剂的研究与开发,陕西省重点研发计划项目(2019NY-195),2019.01‒2020.12,8.00万元。(已结题,参与) 3.新型生物农药—博落回抗菌剂的研究与开发,陕西省科技攻关项目(2016NY-171),2019.01‒2020.12,10.00万元。(已结题,参与) 4.优质良种奶山羊公羊快速扩繁技术的集成创新与示范,省重点科研项目(2020ZDLNY02-02),2020.01-2023.12, 80万元。(在研,主持) 5.经济动物养殖中新型异喹啉类抗炎剂的研究,陕西省科学院科技计划项目(2021k-38),2021.01-2022.12,10万元。(已结题,主持)
1.Fang-Jun Cao, Cheng Lian, Jian-Guo Yu, Hong-Jun Yang, Sen Lin*.Study on the adsorption performance and competitive mechanism for heavy metal contaminants removal using novel multi-pore activated carbons derived from recyclable long-root Eichhorniacrassipes. Bioresource Technology. 2019,276,211-218. 2.Fang-Jun Cao, Lu Wang, Cheng-Li Feng, Xiao Lin*, Hui Feng*. Synthesis of polyurethane-derived nitrogen-doped carbon dots for a high-performance fluorescence bioimaging probe. RSC advances. 2021,11,34174-34180. 3.Fang-Jun Cao, Xiang Hou, Kai-Feng Wang, Tie-Zhi Jin*, Hui Feng*. Facile synthesis of phosphorus and nitrogen codoped carbon dots with excellent fluorescence emission towards cellular imaging.RSC Advances, 2023,13,21088. 4.Fang-Jun Cao, Ming-Xuan Xu, Bo-Hang Zhou, Yi-Si Du, Jun-Hu Yao, Le Zhou*. Effects of 2-aryl-1-cyano-1,2,3,4-tetrohydroisoquinolines on apoptosis induction mechanism in NB4 and MKN-45 cells. Toxicology in Vitro. 2018,54,295-303. 5.Fang-Jun Cao, Li-Fei Zhu,Qian kuang, Xing-Qiang Li, Bo-Hang Zhou,Xin-Juan Yang*,Le Zhou*. Cytotoxic activity, apoptosis induction and structure-activity relationship of 8-OR-2-aryl-3,4-dihydroisoquinolin-2-ium salts as promising anticancer agents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2017,27,55-60.